The church, constructed of face brick and limestone trim in beautiful Romanesque style, is one of the most outstanding edifices in this part of Massachusetts. It is dressed in front by a monumental Milford Pink Granite staircase. The main doors are constructed of heavy oak and are finished in an antique tone. The high Lombard tower can be seen by outlying distances. The unique tower, flanked by flying buttresses and arches, creates an impressive landmark in this area. The roof of the church and tower is of Mission tile in a variegated red blend that harmonizes with the brick walls. The original church bell is now on display in the parking lot of the church. The church measures approximately 53' wide at the front, 86' wide at the rear and 200' long.
The interior of the church was beautifully designed decorative stone and plaster with richly colored marble wainscoting and trim throughout. The floors and accents are of imported Italian marble tile. The conservation of space accomplished by the elimination of interior columns is quite a departure from the usual churches, thus affording sufficient lighting through the large stained glass windows.
The supporting trusses are without cords so that they do not detract from the fullness of the entire richly ornamented, vaulted ceiling and the elaborately designed sanctuary is visible from all parts of the church. The Stations of the Cross are executed in a special stone, lighted and expertly detailed. The pews are of selected white oak and pine. The onfessionals are fitted in recess and are also of white oak. The choir loft affords much space for our splendid pipe organ can accommodate a 60-member choir.
The church stands today as a monument of the love of God, the dedication of those who envisioned its beginning and to those who, over the years, have continued to nurture and to help it grow and prosper for the glory of God. It stands proudly today, 100 years since its founding.
Our Church is blessed to be flanked on both sides with ultra beautiful, very ornate stained glass windows. These windows embelish old world craftsmenship. If they had to be replaced today it would take a fortune and it would be very hard to find craftsmen to do the work. Each window depicts different historical and note worthy event from within the Bible. To get a complete tour of the windows please click on the stained glass window to the left.
Thank you and God Bless.